To offer a warm and secure human environment

To offer a warm and secure human environment

conducive to exchanges between transplant recipients or people waiting for an organ donation who share the same realities and the same hopes.


To offer a warm and secure human environment

conducive to exchanges between transplant recipients or people waiting for an organ donation who share the same realities and the same hopes.

Lodging rates

Thanks to donations, we are able to keep the lodging fees at $35 per day and maintain the House.

$35.00 – Main Resident (transplanted or waiting person)

$35.00 – Main Companion

$45.00 – Any other accompanying person of a resident

$25.00 – Children aged twelve (13) to sixteen (17) years old

$15.00 – Children aged five (5) to eleven (12) years old

Free – Children aged four (4) years old and under

$110.00 – Resident from outside of Quebec

$110.00 – Main adult accompanying a resident from outside Quebec

*The cost per night includes: accommodation, meals, cable and WiFi

Lodging rates

Thanks to donations, we are able to keep the lodging fees at $35 per day and maintain the House.

$35.00 – Main Resident (transplanted or waiting person)

$35.00 – Main Companion

$45.00 – Any other accompanying person of a resident

$25.00 – Children aged twelve (13) to sixteen (17) years old

$15.00 – Children aged five (5) to eleven (12) years old

Free – Children aged four (4) years old and under

$110.00 – Resident from outside of Quebec

$110.00 – Main adult accompanying a resident from outside Quebec

*The cost per night includes: accommodation, meals, cable and WiFi

Eligibility Criteria

Accommodation is offered to individuals undergoing pre-transplant assessment, awaiting transplantation or undergoing post-transplant assessment. Priority for housing is established according to the date of the application for admission.

In order to be admitted for housing at the House, a transplanted resident must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be autonomous ;
  • Have an active medical follow-up and be referred by a member of the interdisciplinary team of the transplant program of his/her hospital center ;
  • Be in pre-transplant evaluation, on the waiting list or following a transplant ;
  • Must be accompanied when medically required ;
  • Be accompanied at all times in a bone marrow or corneal transplant case.

The House offers residents attentive service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

  • 27 single or double occupancy rooms
  • Dining room
  • Fresh meals prepared on site
  • Private or semi-private bathrooms
  • Therapeutic bathroom
  • Exercise room that’s adapted to the needs of each of our patients
  • Hair salon
  • Terrace
  • Library
  • Chapel
  • Laundry

**Please note that transportation service is no longer available.